Møllemarked på Lumby Mølle
Det gamle Møllemarked er tilbage! Der vil igen være masser af aktiviteter og udstillinger ved den gamle vindmølle i Lumby.
Udstillinger og marked
Så er der igen dømt ægte nostalgisk søndagshygge i de flotte omgivelser omkring Lumby Mølle nord for Odense. Søndag d. 20. august fra kl. 10 til 16, vil den 203 år gamle vindmølle være centrum for det årlige Møllemarked.
Here, the whole area around the old mill will be filled with lots of exhibitions and activities for both children and adults, and whether you are into crafts or mechanics, there will be experiences.

The day
For many, a visit to the Mill Market at Lumby Mill north of Odense is a tradition.
They come to experience the very special atmosphere that is in the mill garden in the beautiful surroundings at Lumby Mill.
In Møllehaven, there will be a different street market, where leftovers from plastic toys and cheap copy products from the East are NOT sold. Only homemade things or recycled items are sold here. There will also be an area
with exclusively handicrafts and handicrafts.
After a good deal on the market, it is possible to buy coffee and mill pretzels in the Coffee Room.
In Mølleboden, ice cream, old-fashioned toys and other fun things are sold, while in the garden there are sales of soft drinks, draft beer and
mill wine.
From kl. 11.00 there will be a sale of the big popular flea sausages from the grill.
Music and dance
I møllehaven vil der hele dagen igennem være lystig spillemandsmusik fra scenen.

Glimt fra det sidste Møllemarked

Harvest, old cars and machines
In the park behind the mill there will also be lots of activities.
The neighboring field is harvest, and the grain is driven to the mill with veteran tractors to be threshed on an old threshing machine.
All work can be seen up close and there will be an opportunity to see old engines and tractors up close.
And then there are meetings for old cars with black number plates when the meeting Sortplade completed this Sunday. Veteran Nordfyn has invited a lot of beautiful vintage cars, all with black number plates. They will line up in the park behind the mill.

Guided tour and exhibition
Møllen vil være åben, og man vil kunne komme helt til toppen og se hvordan en gammel vindmølle fungerer. Kom og hør status på de nye møllevinger.
In the courtyard there is a flower raffle where beautiful flowers can be won, sponsored by the local gardeners.

Så mød op på Lumby Mølle denne søndag og oplev en ægte markedsstemning , som i møllens ungdom - og så er der gratis adgang!!!