Flea market
Der er 3 markeder på Lumby Mølle hvert år.
Common to all markets at Lumby Mill, is the desire that they should be clear and with a cozy atmosphere.
The markets at Lumby Mill should not look like the ordinary flea markets as you see them at town parties around the country. There should be no leftovers from clothes, and cheap plastic toys from the East.
Therefore, requirements are set for the product range sold at the markets at Lumby Mill

Danish Mill day
The third Sunday in June is the national mill day in Denmark. On
this day there is a lot of activity at Lumby Mill.
In addition to fiddle music, exhibitions and much more, there is also a flea market.

Mill Market
The mill market is held every year on the penultimate Sunday in August.
At this market, it is also possible to buy stall space.
Læs mere om næste Møllemarked ..... HER

Mill Santa Christmas
ved Lumby Mølles julearrangement, er det nu muligt at købe en stadeplads. Der må ikke sælges varer der kolliderer med det mølleforeningen sælger på dagen. Kontakt foreningen for at høre nærmere.

Registration for market
Er du interesseret i en standplads ved et af markederne, kan du udfylde kontaktformularen her til venstre.
Then you will receive a registration form, which must be filled out and sent back.
BEMÆRK! Nedenstående blanket kan IKKE bruges endnu.....!
Er du interesseret i en standplads ved et af årets markeder kan du udfylde nedenstående kontaktformular.
Du vil hurtigst muligt herefter modtage en bekræftelse.