Below you can read about the associationto be volunteer and The Mill Magazine.
As member of the association Lumby Møllegaard, you help to support the voluntary work carried out to save a piece of the Danish cultural heritage.
In addition, you help to ensure that cultural activities continue to be arranged at Lumby Mill.
Som medlem modtager man også foreningens blad "Møllebladet" en gang om året.
You can join the association at all the association's events, or you can pay the membership fee into the association's account:
konto: 1128310.
It only costs kr. 150,- a year to be member of the association Lumby Møllegaard

Volunteer at the mill
Do you have a desire to be part of a larger community, where you help to maintain the mill and its surroundings? Then you should sign up as a volunteer at Lumby Mill.
Here you can help secure a piece of the Danish
cultural heritage, and at the same time help to create activities in Odense N.
You will join a community of more than 100
people who are all passionate about Lumby Mill, and are proud of what they have helped to create so far.
Du behøver ikke at kunne noget særligt - det er dine hænder vi har brug for. Du er selv med til at bestemme hvad, og hvor meget du vil hjælpe - og der er meget der skal hjælpes med! Her
are some examples of tasks:
Help in the stalls.
Help in the kitchen.
Erection and dismantling of tents, pavilions, tables and chairs.
Guide in the mill.
Update the website / update Facebook.
Assist with the maintenance of the area and the many buildings. And much more.
Do you feel like joining? Then write to us at

The Mill Magazine
The Mill Magazine is the Association Lumby Møllegaard's own magazine, which is published every year in March. Here you can e.g. read about the activities that take place in and around the mill.
You can also read about the projects the association is working on and which projects are planned for the future.
Møllebladet is printed in 6500 copies, and is partly financed by advertisements.
Do you want to hear more about Møllebladet, or do you want to
indrykke en annonce, kan du kontakte bestyrelsen.